
Hey there,

My name is Lammie. Welcome to my mailorder. My intention is to stock releases I like and make them available for the consuming masses for a fair price. All money I get in is immediately spent on new stock. This way I make sure I'm always broke. Don't Buy Records is not a business. I do not make money on sales. This is not my job. This is not Amazon. I pay my bills through something else. Although I am more than willing to think with you, please leave your consumerist pettiness at the door.

Since I don't know how to make a proper website, I've been running Don't Buy Records through this blog since 2009. I'm a recluse and shun social media. Principles? Maybe... A blog is a drag, but this one has served its purpose for over a decade now so I might as well stick to it, right?

When I started the mailorder things were different. I'll spare you the details and the old man diatribe, but it boils down to shipment becoming more expensive, taking longer, customs getting involved more, charging more, demanding paper work and delaying shipment. To keep records released outside of the European Union affordable, I try to get as many titles a possible shipped to me from the same place in one big batch every so many months. For me that means I have to front more money, for you that means more patience. It's all shit, but there's fuck all I can do about it.

I update the list of available releases as records come and go. You can find the date of my last update in the upper left corner.

Also on the left is a menu. It directs you straight to different sections of my blog. The titles speak for themselves. If they don't, just click on 'm. I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.

I write reviews for the releases I get in and post those here: Something I Wrote Today.

If there are releases you're interested in, have any questions, feel the need to write love letters, hate mail or just want to talk shit and sling mud, contact me at dontbuyrecords @ gmail . com.

Alright, thanks for reading and enjoy the scrolling!

Stay punk or don't.

