Scroll, mes amis. Those willing to get their hands dirty, might stumble upon gold!
New titles are in red
Aderall - Adderall vs. Big Pharma Ep (6 euro)
Alamoans - Ep (7 euro)
Algara - Enamorados del Control Total Ep (6 euro)
Alerta - Ep
Alien Nosejob - HC45-2 Ep (6 euro)
American Hate - Dead Squeeze Ep (5 euro)
Angkor Wrack/ The Monoliths - Split Ep (5 euro)
Anxiety - Wild Life Ep (5 euro)
Anxiety - Wild Life Ep (5 euro)
Archeas - Rock 'n Roll 7" (6 euro)
Asbestos - Wishful Thinking Ep (8 euro)
Astral Travel - Body Melt 7" (6 euro)
Astryd Lindgren's Great 5 - Ep (5 euro)
Bad American - Ep (5 euro)
Bad American - Bruises Ep (5 euro)
Bad Daddies/ Lögnhalsmottagningen - Split Ep (5 euro)
Bad Noids - It's a Doggie Bag World Ep (5 euro)
Bad Noids - It's a Doggie Bag World Ep (5 euro)
Bad People - Pearls Before Swine Ep (5 euro)
Bad Taste/ Brain Car - Split 7" (5 euro)
Barcelona - Residuos Del Ultrasonido Ep (6 euro)
Beastman - Ep (5 euro)
Beatniks - Ep (5 euro)
Bed Bugs - Ep (5 euro)
The Beekeepers - Pallet Stacking Ep (5 euro)
Big Clown - Beatdown Ep (8 euro)
Big Hog/ The Resource Network - Split Ep (6 euro)
Bill Bondsmen - Overcrowded Control 7" (5 euro)
Bill Bondsmen - Nineteen 7" (5 euro)
Bill Bondsmen - Dead 7" (5 euro)
Bill Bondsmen/ SBLC - Resurgent Cinerbus Split Ep (6 euro)
Black Panties - Prophet of Hate 7" (6 euro)
Black Panties - Dirt from the Mop 7" (6 euro)
Black Panties - Dirt from the Mop 7" (6 euro)
Buck Biloxi and the Fucks - Put You In The Gulag Ep (6 euro)
Buffet Lunch - Cheeks - 7" (6 euro)
Bukkake Boys - Second Ep (4,50 eur0)
Bums - Do it all Night 7" (4,50 euro)
Cannomen - Science Studies the Black Hole Ep
Caucasoid - Ep (6 euro)
CB Radio Gorgeous - Ep (6 euro)
Celebrators - Wipeout! Ep (6 euro)
Cement Shoes - A Peace Product of the USA 7" (5 euro)
Charlie and the Lesbians - Lost Boy Ep (7 euro)
Cheap Drugs - Ep (5 euro)
Cheap Drugs - W.D.C. Ep (5 euro)
Cheap Time - Other Stories 7" (6 euro)
Child's Pose - Eye on the Right Ep (6 euro)
The Chisel - Come See Me Ep (6 euro)
Chresus Jist/ Modern Delusion - Split Ep
Colision - Ep (9,50 euro)
Collate - Communication 7" (7 euro)
Condenada - Mother's Tongue Ep
Cop City Chill Pillars - Gift Shop 7" (5 euro)
Cop City Chill Pillars - Gift Shop 7" (5 euro)
Counter Intuits - Vietnamese Lighter 7" (6 euro)
The Cowboys - Live at Tony's Garage Ep (5 euro)
Crazy Spirit - 2015 Ep (6 euro)
Crooked Bangs/ Secret Prostitutes - Split Ep (5 euro)
Crazy Spirit - 2015 Ep (6 euro)
Crooked Bangs/ Secret Prostitutes - Split Ep (5 euro)
Los Culitos - Estoy Qui Por Error Ep
Dadar - I'm a Töch 7" (6 euro)
Défaite - Comme des Rats Ep
Deformity - Ep (6 euro)
Deviant - Loading the Gun Ep (6 euro)
Dial - Ep (9,50 euro)
Dirty and His Fists - Ep (5 euro)
Disparo/ Demenzia Kolektiva - Split Ep (5 euro)
Disparo - Ep (5 euro)
Divided Minds - Strangers Ep
Eke Buba - Ep (5 euro)
Elecktrika - Maquina Destruye Suenos Ep (8 euro)
Es - Fantasy Ep (6 euro)
El Zombie - Amongst Nobodies Ep (5 euro)
Evin Berlin - Jr's Got Brain Damage 7" (7 euro)
Exotica - Musique Exotique 03 Ep (5 euro)
Fairytale - Ep (6 euro)
Faux Départ - Ep (7 euro)
Faze - Content Ep (7)
Ferriday - Strangers 7" (7 euro)
Flip Shit - Outgoing Rockers Ep (5 euro)
Fontana - Not A Leg To Stand On 7”
Foreign Objects - Mammonism 7"
The Freakees - Freakee Deekee Ep (6 euro)
Fright Eye - Ep (5 euro)
Frustros - A L'attaque de Rien Ep
Fucking - Atomic Orgasm Ep (5 euro)
Fucking - Atomic Orgasm Ep (5 euro)
Fucking - Intimacy Issues Ep (5 euro)
Gee Tee/Satanic Togas - Split Ep (6 euro)
Gee Tee - Atomic Ep (7 euro)
Gen Pop - On Screen Ep (5 euro)
The Generics - Cost Cutter Ep (5 euro)
GG King - Another Dimension 7" (5 euro)
Gibbous - Mortal Crust 7'' (6 euro)
Gimic - Defer to Hate Ep (9,50 euro)
Gino & the Goons - Love & Hate 7" (6 euro)
Gimmick - Ep (6 euro)
Glaas - Cruel Heart, Cold Summer Ep (7 euro)
Glitter - Joy of a Toy Ep (5 euro)
Golpe - Assuefazione Quotidiana Ep (7 euro)
Grand Scheme - Numbers Game Ep (7 euro)
Grawlixes - Very Fucking... Ep (7 euro)
Guimauve - Azovstal Ep (7 euro)
Haircut - Sensation Ep (6 euro)
Haircut - Cake Ep (6 euro)
Haram - Where Were You On 9/11? Ep (6 euro)
Hassler - Amorality Ep
Henry Fiat's Open Sore/ Spider Babies - Split Ep (5 euro)
Hologram - Build yourself up so many times only to be brought down again and again Ep (6 euro)
Hungry Gayze - Roadkill 7" (5 euro)
Hygiene - 15 Minute City 7" (7 euro)
Ilegal - La Vida Es El Producto de Nuestra Esperanza Y Las Visiones Irreales Ep (5 euro)
Indre Krig - Destroyer Ep (7 euro)
Inmates - Now We Talkin' Hardcore Ep
Inmates - Creatures of the Night Ep (6 euro)
Inmates - Creatures of the Night Ep (6 euro)
Irreal - 2020 Ep (6 euro)
In School - Cement Fucker Ep (5 euro)
Los Inservibles - Uno Vida de Tristeza Ep (5 euro)
Insomnio - Walking On The String Ep
Kaleidoscope - Decolonization Ep (6 euro)
Kaputt - Movement Now 7" (5 euro)
Kerosene Kream - Look Mom Ep (6 euro)
KIT - Dreams are Burned Ep (5 euro)
Kohti Tuhoa - Elä Totuudesta Ep (6 euro)
Kohti Tuhoa - Väkialtaa Ep (6 euro)
Koro - 700 Club Ep (7 euro)
Krigskade - Nar Alt Gar Til Helvede Ep (6 euro)
Kristen Resning - Tillbaka Till Wittenberg Ep (6 euro)
Kristen Resning - Tillbaka Till Wittenberg Ep (6 euro)
Lasso - Amuo Ep (6 euro)
Lasso - Ordem Imaginada Ep (7 euro)
Last Affront - 10 Tracks Ep (7 euro)
Lemonade - Pink Ep (6 euro)
Lethal - Hardcore Pit Parade Ep (7 euro)
Liiek One Two 7" (6 euro)
Lipkick - Selftitled Ep
Little Angels - Psycho Summer Ep (8 euro)
Logic Problem - No Center Ep
Long Pigs - Ep (6 euro)
Lothario - Drunk Fuck 7" (7 euro)
Lucha Eterna - Asceroso Ep (5 euro)
Lux - New Day Ep (6 euro)
Magic City - Ep (5 euro)
Mala Leche - Ep (5 euro)
The Manateees - Dumbesticated 7" (5 euro)
The Manateees - Dumbesticated 7" (5 euro)
Men & Health - Heroin on Reality TV Ep (6 euro)
Messrs - Ep (6 euro)
Mirror - Universal Dismay Ep (5 euro)
La Misma - Negacioces de Pas Continuea come Fazemas Fabulas Ep (6 euro)
Mock Execution - Reality Attack Ep (6 euro)
Mock Execution - Reality Attack Ep (6 euro)
The Monsieurs - High School Star 7" (5 euro)
Moralens Väktare/ Röda Sten - Split Ep (5 euro)
Mr. Wax - Wax City Ep (5 euro)
Munchausen - Ep
Munchausen - Ep
Mundo Muerto - Rompe El Silencio 7"
Nailhouse - Ep (5 euro)
Nandas - Ep (6 euro)
Nandas - 2018 Ep (6 euro)
Nathan & the Mean Streaks - Childstar Redemption 7" (5 euro)
Nandas - 2018 Ep (6 euro)
Nathan & the Mean Streaks - Childstar Redemption 7" (5 euro)
Navy of the Nice - Ep
Negative Lifestyle - Panic Ep (5 euro)
Negative Lifestyle - End Up Like Them Flexi (5 euro)
Negative Lifestyle - End Up Like Them Flexi (5 euro)
Night Stalkers - Don't Talk To Me Ep (5 euro)
Nolls - Losing Game 7" (5 euro)
Normil Hawaiians - In The Stone 7" (5 euro)
Orden Mundial - Porque Las Drogas Son Veneno Ep (5 euro)
Paperniks - Oxygen Tank Flipper 7" (7 euro)
Peace Talks - A Lasting Peace Ep (6 euro)
Pedestrians - Killing Season Ep
Perp Walk - The Chain of Infection Ep (9,50 euro)
Perp Walk - Permacrisis Ep (9,50 euro)
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivat - Oma Rauha Ep (5 euro)
Perverts Again - My Accident 7" (6 euro)
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivat - Oma Rauha Ep (5 euro)
Perverts Again - My Accident 7" (6 euro)
Pillage - Ep (5 euro)
Pineapple RnR - Ep (5 euro)
Pineapple RnR - Ep (5 euro)
Pink Nightmare - Ep
Pizza OD - Second Ep
Pizza OD - Second Ep
P-Nissarna - Ep (6 euro)
Polyester - Dipsomaniac 7" (6 euro)
Primates - Control Salvaje Ep
Prison Moan - Parasite Hole Ep (5 euro)
Pobreza Mental - Ya No Me Pertenezco Ep (6 euro)
Prisao - Ep2 (8 euro)
Prized Pig - Ppep Ep (6 euro)
Protruders - No More 7" (6 euro)
Putas Mierdas - Extición Ep
Q - Second Ep (5 euro)
Rank/Xerox - Servants in Heaven 7" (6 euro)
Ras - Ep (6 euro)
Razz - Pleasantries Ep (5 euro)
Reacharounds - Ep (5 euro)
Reaksi - Esok Hari Kepunaan Kita Ep (6 euro)
Real Distractions - Ep (8 euro)
Recide - Statues Ep (4,50 euro)
Red Channel - Crazy Diamonds Ep (5 euro)
Red Channel - Crazy Diamonds Ep (5 euro)
Reek Minds - Rabid Ep (7 euro)
Replica - Ep (5 euro)
Repression - War Comes Home Ep (8 euro)
Ribbon Stage - My Favorite Shrine Ep (7 euro)
Rik and the Pigs - Blue Jean Queen Ep (5 euro)
Rik and the Pigs - Life's a Bust Ep (5 euro)
Rina - Aqui No Eres Nadie Ep (6 euro)
R.O.B.O. - Ep (5 euro)
Rik and the Pigs - Life's a Bust Ep (5 euro)
Rina - Aqui No Eres Nadie Ep (6 euro)
R.O.B.O. - Ep (5 euro)
Rubber Mate - Cha Boi 7" (6 euro)
Rudimentary Peni - Ep (6 euro)
Rudimentary Peni - Wilfred Owen - The Chances 7" (6 euro)
Rüz - Ep (5 euro)
Satanic Togas - Digital World Ep (7 euro)
Satellites of Love - Ep (5 euro)
SBSM - Leave Your Body Ep (5 euro)
SBSM - Leave Your Body Ep (5 euro)
Scrap Brain - Unhappy Hardcore Ep (5 euro)
Screaming Fist - Templamza Ep (6 euro)
Screensaver - Clean Current 7" (7 euro)
Secret Prostitutes - Fantasi Di Aushwitz Ep (5 euro)
Sex Bunker - Elephant Skull Ep (5 euro)
Sex Drive - Ep (5 euro)
Shit Blimp - Good Natured Friends of the Scene Ep (5 euro)
Shitty Life - Limits of Growth Ep (7 euro)
Sial - Binasa Ep (6 euro)
Sick Mormons - Why Does Shit Keep Falling From The Sky? Ep
Sick People - In My Nightmare Ep (5 euro)
Sick Thoughts - Poor Boys 7" (7 euro)
Silent Era - Ep (5 euro)
Silent Era - Ep (5 euro)
Singvogel - 8560 Forar 7" (5 euro)
The Slugz - Suit and Tie Ep
Smertegraesens Toldere - Ep (5 euro)
The Slugz - Suit and Tie Ep
Smertegraesens Toldere - Ep (5 euro)
Smirk - Ep (7 euro)
Sniffany and the Nits - Greatest Nits Ep (6 euro)
Snob - Exploit Me Ep (5 euro)
Solid Attitude - Dash-Ex 7" (6 euro)
Solid Attitude - Dash-Ex 7" (6 euro)
Speed Plans - Field of Vision Ep (6 euro)
Stingray - Feeding Time Ep (6 euro)
Stinkhole - Mold Encrusted Egg Ep (5 euro)
The Stranger - Ep (5 euro)
Street Legal/ Frozen Teens - Split Ep (5 euro)
Subliminal Excess - Witness Ep (7 euro)
Sucked Dry - Falling Apart at the Seems Ep (4,50 euro)
Sucked Dry - Falling Apart at the Seems Ep (4,50 euro)
Suck Lords - Songs the Lords Taught Us Flexi (6 euro)
Sweet Tooth - Sugar Rush 2009 Ep (6 euro)
Svart Städhjälp - Under All Kritik Ep (5 euro)
Tarantüla - Ep (5 euro)
Tazer - Human A+ (6 euro)
Tentáculo - II Ep (5 euro)
Terrorist - American Today Ep (6 euro)
Terry - Who's Terry? Ep (5 euro)
Thieves - Positive Vibrations Ep (4,50 euro)
Tentáculo - II Ep (5 euro)
Terrorist - American Today Ep (6 euro)
Terry - Who's Terry? Ep (5 euro)
Thieves - Positive Vibrations Ep (4,50 euro)
Thought Control - Psychos, Murder & Rape Rule The World Ep (9,50 euro)
The Times - Red With Purple Flashes 7" (6 euro)
Timmy's Organism - Wild Humanoid 7" (6 euro)
Timmy's Organism - Lick up this Town 7'' (6 euro)
Total Nada - Total Nada II Ep (8 euro)
Total Trash - Ep (5 euro)
Trauma Harness - Ghost of a Flea 7" (5 euro)
Trauma Harness - Ghost of a Flea 7" (5 euro)
Tumor Warlord - Subway Gas Attack Ep (5 euro)
Ultra-Violent - Crime for Revenge Ep (6 euro)
Uranium Orchard - Unchurched Shithead Ep (5 euro)
Valtatyhijö - Kuristusleikki Ep (7 euro)
Vanilla Poppers - I Like Your Band Ep (5 euro)
Vanity - Anti-Climax Ep (6 euro)
Very Mental - Misconstrued 7" (6 euro)
Vintage Crop - Springtime 7"(6 euro)
Violence Creeps - Nephew Melting 7" (6 euro)
Vital Idles - Ep (5 euro)
Violence Creeps - Nephew Melting 7" (6 euro)
Vital Idles - Ep (5 euro)
The Wad - Ron is Wrong Ep (6 euro)
The Wad - Benny's Business Ep (6 euro)
Wallrides - Bomb the Hills Ep (5 euro)
Warthog - 2022 Ep (6 euro)
Wayne Paind and the Shit Stains - Ep (7 euro)
Wetbrain - Ep (5 euro)
The Wharves - Naz 7" (5 euro)
The Wharves - Naz 7" (5 euro)
White Load - Pig Eyes 7" (5 euro)
Wooden Kimono - Ep (5 euro)
Woodstock '99 - Ep (7 euro)
Xylitol - I'm Pretty Sure I'd Know If Reality Were Fundamentally Different Than I Perceived It To Be Ep (6 euro)
Year of the Rat/ Clocked In - Split Ep (6 euro)
Yung - Ep (5 euro)
Zig Zag - It Gets Worse Ep (6 euro)
Zorn - Hardcore Zorn Ep (6 euro)
Ztuped - Are You Stupid? Ep (7 euro)
0% - God Hates Young People 12" (15 euro)
0% - God Hates Young People 12" (15 euro)
Absurdo - Demo 12"Angkor Wrack - Built to Kill Lp (13 euro)
Algara - Absortos En El Tiedo Eterno Lp (13,50 euro)
Alien Nosejob - Stained Glass Lp (15 euro)
Alien Nosejob - Turns the Colour of Bad Shit Lp (17,50 euro)
All Hits - Men and their Work Lp (15 euro)
Ammo - Web of Lies/Death Won't Even Satisfy Lp (17,50 euro)
Ancient Filth - No More Hiding Lp (17,50 euro)
Anti-Sex - Un Mejor Futuro Lp (12,50 euro)
Armor - Afraid of What's to Come 12" (20 euro)
Arse - Kaputt 12"(20 euro)
Aspirina Infantil - El Reino De La Estupidez 12"
Aus - Lp (15 euro)
Aus - 2 Lp (15 euro)
Bad American - Pretty/Ugly 12" (12,50 euro)
Bad American - American Dream Lp (12,50 euro)
Bad Breeding - Divide Lp (12,50 euro)
Barcelona - Un Ultimo Ultrasonido Nació Y Murio en Barcelona 12" (12,50 euro)
Barcelona - Un Ultimo Ultrasonido Nació Y Murio en Barcelona 12" (12,50 euro)
Barren? - Distracted to Death... Diverted from Reality Lp (12,50 euro)
Barrera - Visiones Nocturnas Lp (15 euro)
BB & the Blips - Shame Job Lp (15 euro)
Bend Sinister - Tape2 Lp (15 euro)
Beta Boys - Late Nite Acts Lp (12,50 euro)
Big Crux - Ponchito Lp (12,50 euro)
Big Crux - Ponchito Lp (12,50 euro)
Bill Bondsmen - ...--. .-.-.- ... .-.-.- / -.-----..- .-.--. .-. . - ..-. ..- .-. -.- . -.. 12'' (8 euro)
Bill Bondsmen - Until the Razor Cuts Lp (13 euro)
Bill Bondsmen - Until the Razor Cuts Lp (13 euro)
Blammo - Onomatopoeia Lp (2o euro)
Bits of Shit - Cut Sleeves Lp (12,50 euro)
Bootlicker - Lp (17,50 euro)
Brain F - Sleep Rough Lp
Brandy - The Gift of Repetition Lp (15 euro)
Brontez Purnell - Confirmed Bachelor Lp (15 euro)
Buffet Lunch - The Power of Rocks Lp (12,50 euro)
Cadenaxo - Lenguas Podridas Lp (15 euro)
Canadian Rifle - Visibility Zero Lp
Cardiac Arrest - In The Mouth of Madness Lp
Carnivorous Bells - The Upturned Stone Lp (15 euro)
Carnivorous Bells - Room Above All Lp (20 euro)
The Carp - Knock Your Block Off Lp (17,50 euro)
Cartoon - Nyuck Nyuck Boing! Lp (20 euro)
The Celebrities - Redd Karpet 12" (17,50 euro)
Charlie and the Lesbians - Paper of Trail of Happiness Lp (12,50 euro)
Cherry Cheeks - 12" (15 euro)
Cherry Cheeks - CCLP2 (17,50 euro)
The Chisel - Retaliation Lp (20)
The Circulators - Insufficient Fun Lp (17,50 euro)
Citric Dummies - Tearing out my Nails Lp (12,50 euro)
Citric Dummies - The Kids are Altright Lp (12,50 euro)
Clear History - Bad Advice, Good People 12'' (12,50 euro)
Clever - Kewdi Udi Lp (15 euro)\
Comes - No Side 12" (15 euro)
Corridor People - Lp (12,50 euro)
The Cowboy - The Cowboy Album Lp (12,50 euro)
The Cowboy - Wifi on the Prairie Lp (15 euro)
The Cowboys - Volume 4 Lp (12,50 euro)
The Cowboys - Room Full Of Clons Lp (15 euro)
Cremalleras - Mercado Negro 12" (12,50 euro)
Cruelster - Riot Boys Lp (12,50 euro)
Cruelster - Riot Boys Lp (12,50 euro)
Cuntz - Solid Mates Lp (15 euro)
Cuntz - Force the Zone Lp (15 euro)
Curleys - 12" (15 euro)
Cut Piece - Your Own Good Lp (17,50 euro)
Dan Melchior - K-85 Lp (14 euro)
Discreet - This is Mine Lp (17,50)
Doctrina - Alimentar Su Final Lp (12,50 euro)
Doctrina - Desprendimento 12" (12,50 euro)
During - Lp
Donkey Bugs - Ancient Chinese Secrets Lp (12,50 euro)
Electric Chair - Acts of Aggression Lp (17,50 euro)
El Zombie - Life is Bli$$ Lp (12,50 euro)
El Zombie - Kommando Lp (17,50 euro)
Enemy - Maladjusted 12" (17,50 euro)
Es - Object Relations 12" (12,50 euro)
Es - Object Relations 12" (12,50 euro)
Es - Less of Everything Lp (12,50 euro)
Famous Mammals - Lp (20 euro)
Farang - 12" (12,5o euro)
Faux Départ - Au Pied Du Mur Lp (12,50 euro)
Faux Départ - Au Pied Du Mur Lp (12,50 euro)
Faux Départ - Vie Ordinaire Lp (12,50 euro)
The Flex - Chewing Gum for the Ears Lp (15 euro)
FOC - La Fera Ferotge Lp (12,50 euro)
Fried E/M - Modern World Lp (13,50 euro)
Fried Egg - Square One Lp (15 euro)
Frisk - Stalker Lp (17,50 euro)
Fugitive Bubble - Delusion Lp (17,50 euro)
Philip Frobos - Vague Enough to Satisfy Lp (12,50 euro)
GG King - Remain Intact Lp (15 euro)
GG King - Evoker 12" (15 euro)
Ghastly Spats - Spinozism Exorcism Lp (15 euro)
GirlSperm - The Muse Ascends Lp (15 euro)
Glittering Insects - Lp (17,50 euro)
Golden Pelicans - 12" (12,50 euro)
Golpe - La Colpa Es Solo Tua Lp (15 euro)
Gotobeds - Poor People are Revolting Lp (12,50 euro)
Handle - In Threes Lp (12,50 eur0)
Hartle Road - Maxx Lp (12,50 euro)
Hassler - Fed, Worked and Watered Lp (10 euro)
Heavy Metal IV: Counter Electrode/ Iron Mono 2xLp (25 euro)
Heavy Metal - V: Live at the Gas Station Fighting With the Devil Lp (15 euro)
Historically Fucked - The Mule Peasants Revolt of 12.076 Lp (15 euro)
Hjelle - Hogst Medelmattig Lp (12,50 euro)
hMAS - Fear God Honour the King Lp (15 euro)
hMAS - Fear God Honour the King Lp (15 euro)
Hoax - Lp (12,50 euro)
De Høje Hæle - Skal Vi Aldrig Videre Lp (12,50)
De Høje Hæle - Kold Traet & Bange 12" (10 euro)
Hologram - No Longer Human 12" (17,50 euro)
Holograms - Surrender Lp (12,50 eur0)
Homicides - Black Leather Redneck 6 Song Ep (14 euro)
The Horsebites - Shadows Lp (12,50 euro)
Hüstler - 12" (15 euro)
Hyena - Lp (12,5o euro)
Kalle Hygien - Songs about Chuck Lp (12,50 euro)
Hygiene - Private Sector Lp (12,50 euro)
Hygiene - Private Sector Lp (12,50 euro)
Illiterates - Lp (17,50 euro)
Illiterates - No Experts Lp (17,50 euro)
Imaginary Dictionary - You Can't Spell "Dictionary"... Without Dicks 12" (12,50 euro)
Infuse Huddle - Lp (13 euro)
Invalid - Lp (15 euro)
Irreal - Era Electrónica 12" (15 euro)
Isotope Soap - Pinata Chaos 12" (12,50 euro)
Isotope Soap - In Need of Systematic Entropy Lp (15 euro)
Itchy and the Nits - The Worst Of... Lp (17,50 euro)
Janitor Scum - Scenes from the Grocery Lp (12,50 euro)
Judy and the Jerks - Music to go Nuts Lp (17,50 euro)
K9 Sniffies - Master's Touch Lp (15 euro)
Khiis - Bezoar Lp (12,50 euro)
Kilynn Lunsford - Custodians of Succession Lp (20)
Knowso - Pulsating Gore Lp (17,50 euro)
Kobra - Confusione Lp (15 euro)
Kohti Tuhoa - 12" (12,50 euro)
Kohti Tuhoa - Ihmisen Kasvot Lp (12,50 euro)
Koma - Internment Failure Lp (13,50 euro)
The Kurws - Alarm Lp (12,50 euro)
The Landlords - Fitzgerald's Paris Lp (15 euro)
Latisha's Skull Drawing - Romanticized Lp (15 euro)Lavender Flu - Assorted Promenades 12" (17,50 euro)
Lewers - 518A 12" (20 euro)
Liiek - Lp (12,50 euro)
Lunch Lady - Angel Lp (12,50 euro)
Man-Eaters - Gentle Ballads for the Simple Soul Lp (15 euro)
Bertie Marshall - Exhibit Lp (12,50 euro)
Marx Bros/ Travolta - Split Lp (12,50 euro)
Mass Arrest - Power Lp (15 euro)
M.A.Z.E. - II Lp (15 euro)
Meat House - 12" (17,50 euro)
Mentira - Nada Es Sagrado Lp (15 euro)
The Mind - Open up the Window and Leave Your Body Lp (15 euro)
Mock Execution - Killed by Mock Execution Lp (15 euro)
Los Monjo - La Vida Que Todos Envidian Lp (12,50 euro)
The Monoliths - Lp (13 euro)
Moonhairy - The Kingdom of Eternal Poverty Lp (15 euro)
Morwan - Zola Zemlya Lp (15 euro)
Mother's Milk - Render Void at Gate Lp (17,50 euro)
Muff Divers - Dreams of the Gentlest Texture Lp (12,50 euro)
Mülltüte - 12" (12,50 euro)
Muro/Orden Mundial - Sonido de la Negación Lp (12,5o euro)
Muscle Revolution/ Prosthetic Head - Split Lp (12,50 euro)
Mutant Strain - Murder for Crows Lp (17,50 euro)
Nag - Human Coward Coyote Lp (17,50 euro)
Narcosatanicos - Body Cults Lp (Bad Afro) (15 euro)
NASA Space Universe - 70 AD 12" (12,50 euro)
Nasti - People Problem 12" (20 euro)
The Nature - Din Medicin Lp (12,50 euro)
New Buck Biloxi - Cellular Automatic Lp (15 euro)
Newtown Neurotics - Kick Out! Lp (15 euro)
Nicfit - Fuse Lp (12,50 euro)
Night Terrors - Back to Zero 2xLp (25 euro)
Night Terrors - Spiral Vortex Lp (14 euro)
No Knuckle - Lp (17,50 euro)
Nolls - Strange Attitude Lp (12,50 euro)
Nolls - Strange Attitude Lp (12,50 euro)
Normil Hawaiians - Dark World (1979 - 1981) Lp (12,50 euro)
Norms - 100% Hazaarules 12" (17,50 euro)
Nosferatu - Solution A Lp (12,50 eur0)
No Slogan - Aversion Therapy 12"
Nots - 3 Lp (12,50 euro)
Nots - 3 Lp (12,50 euro)
Nurse - Lp (17,50 euro)
Nueva Autoridad Democrática - 12"
Obediencia - Erosión Lp (12,50 euro)
Ohyda - Pan Bóg Spelni Wszytskie Pragnienia Lawaków I Dojdzie Do Katastrofy! Lp (15 euro)
Oily Boys - Cro Memory Grin Lp (13,50 euro)
Ojo por Ojo - Lp (12,50 euro)
Ojo por Ojo - Leprosario Lp (20 euro)
Olimpia Splendid - 12" (10 euro)
Las Otras - Devolver El Golpe Lp (12,50 euro)
Paprika - Let's Kill Punk Lp (20)
Parsnip - Behold Lp (15)
The Partisans - Anarchy in Alcatraz/ No Future Demos Lp (15 euro)
Patsy - LA Women 12" (12,50 euro)
Peluqueria Canina - Jovenes Promesas Lp (12,50 euro)
Perspex Flesh - 12" (12,50 euro)
Perverts Again - Friday Night Light 12" (12,50 euro)
Perverts Again - Friday Night Light 12" (12,50 euro)
The Pheromoans - Wyrd Psearch Lp (15 euro)
Piece War - Apathy Lp (15 euro)
Pinku Saido - Poketto Lp (12,50 euro)
Playboy - Celebration 12" (12,50 euro)
Playboy - Celebration 12" (12,50 euro)
Pleasant Mob - Lp (20 euro)
Pleasure Leftists - The Gate Lp (15 euro)
Pleroma - Vitriol 12" (12,50 euro)
Polyester - 100% Polyester Lp (15 euro)
Porvenir Oscure - Asquerosa Humanidad Lp (13,50 euro)
Predator - Spiral Unfolds Lp (15 euro)
Preening - Dragged through the Garden Lp (20 euro)
Primo! - Amici Lp (12,50 euro)
Primo! - Sogni Lp (12,50 euro)
Priors - Lp (12,50 euro)
Private Room - Forever and Ever Lp (15 euro)
Private Room - Forever and Ever Lp (15 euro)
Protocol - Blood Sports 12" (15 euro)
Protruders - Poison Future 12" (12,50 eur0)
Pustostany - 2012 Lp (12,50 eur0)
Pyrex - Lp (17,50 euro)
Quarantine - Agony Lp (13,50 euro)
Quintron - Erotomania Lp (15 eur0)
R.M.F.C. - Club Hits Lp (2o euro)
Rakta - Falha Comum Lp (12,50 euro)
Rashomon - Pathogen X Lp (15 euro)
Rashomon - Nin-Gen 12" (17,50 euro)
Rata Negra - Una Vida Vulgar Lp (15 euro)
Reacharounds - Living in the Future Lp (12,50 euro)
Real Losers - Good Clean Fun Lp (17,50 euro)
Rearranged Face - A Rare Caged Fern Lp (20 euro)
Rearranged Face - Far Green Arcade Lp (20 euro)
The Real Energy - Beyond Delay Lp (12,50 euro)
Reckoning Force - Broken State Lp (15 euro)
Red Red Red - New Action Lp (14 euro)
Reek Minds - Malignant Existence Lp (20 euro)
Thee Retail Simps - Reverbant Scratch: 9 Shots in the Dark Lp (15 euro)
Thee Retail Simps - Live on Cool Street Lp (17,50 euro)
Thine Retail Simps - Strike Gold, Strike Back, Strike Out Lp (17,50 euro)
Ribbon Stage - Hit With the Most Lp (15 euro)
Richard Papiercuts - Reunion Lp (20 euro)
Rider/Horse - Select Trials Lp (2o euro)
Rider/Horse - Feed 'Em Salt Lp (20 euro)
Rider/Horse - Matted Lp (20 euro)
Rik and the Pigs - A Child's Gator 12" (12,50 euro)
Rik and the Pigs - Last Laugh Lp (15 euro)
Rocky - Lp (20 euro)
Rocky - Lp (20 euro)
Ryan Dinosaur - Chatper One: The Final Chapter Lp (12,50 euro)
Rudimentary Peni - Death Church Lp (15 euro)
Rudimentary Peni - Great War Lp (15 euro)
Runt - Positions of Power Lp (12,50 euro)
Sacred Shock - You’re Not With Us 12" (10 euro)
Sarcasm - Creeping Life 12" (12,50 euro)
Sauna Youth - Distractions Lp (12,50 euro)
Sauna Youth - Deaths Lp (12,50 euro)
Screensaver - Expression of Interest Lp (12,50 euro)
Screensaver - Decent Shapes Lp (15 euro)
Sewers - Hoisted Lp (15 euro)
Sewers - Weight Lp (15 euro)
Shake Chain - Lp (15 euro)
Shovels - Lp (15 euro)
Shrinkwrap Killers - Feral Rats Have Become Our Only Pets Lp (15 euro)
Sial - Tari Pemusnah Kuasa Lp (12,50 euro)
Sida - Lp (12,50 euro)
Singvogel - Disneyexorcist 12" (12,50 euro)
Sin Motivo - El Desierto Lp (12,50 euro)
Skiftande Enheter - One Sided 12" (15 euro)
Skiftande Enheter - One Sided 12" (15 euro)
Skiftande Enheter - Snubblar Genom Drommär Lp (13 euro)
Slender - Time on Earth Lp (12,50 euro)
Sleeper and Snake - Fresco Shed Lp (12,50 euro)
Slug Bait - Sex Lifes of Animals without Backbones Lp (12,50 euro)
Smirk - 12" (15 euro)
Snakerun - Onesided 12" (12,50 euro)
Sniffany and the Nits - The Unscratchable Itch Lp (15 euro)
Snob - Lp (12,50 euro)
Soga - Demo Lp (15 euro)
Soma Coma - Dust Lp (15 euro)
Soup Activists - Mommy, What Are Flowers For? Lp (20 euro)
Soviet Valves - Death Trumps Romance 12" (15 euro)
Spray Paint - Dopers 12" (15 euro)
The Stickmen - Lp (15 euro)
The Stickmen - Man Made Stars Lp (15 euro)
Straightjacket Nation - 12" (12,50 euro)
Straw Man Army - SOS Lp (15 euro)
Stress Positions - Harsh Reality 12" (17,50 euro)
Sucked Dry - Dog Children Lp (12,50 euro)
Subtle Turnhips - Redhair With Some Lp (15 euro)
Sudor - Causa General Lp (15 euro)
Sudor - Causa General Lp (15 euro)
Table Sugar - Collected Acknowledgements 12" (12,50 euro)
Tache - 12" (12,50 euro)
Tentacúlo - Cansados de Esperar Lp (12,50 euro)
Terry - Terry HQ Lp (12,50 euro)
Terry - Remember Terry Lp (12,50 euro)
Terry - Call Me Terry Lp (15 euro)
Tia Rosa - Misterio Lounge 3000 Lp (20 euro)
Timmy Vulgar's Armageddon - Music from the Others Side of the Swamp Lp (15 euro)
The Toads - In The Wilderness Lp (15 eur0)
The Toms - The 1979 Sessions Lp (15 euro)
Total Hell - Killed by Evil Lp (17,50 euro)
Trash Kit - Confidence Lp (15 euro)
Trash Kit - Horizon Lp (12,50 euro)
Trauma Harness - Halloween Collection Vol. 1 Lp (12,50 euro)
Trauma Harness - Ten Years of Trauma Lp (15 euro)
True Sons of Thunder - It Was Then I Was Carrying You Lp (15 euro)
Turqoise - Hantise 12" (13 euro)
Tyvek - Overground Lp (20 euro)
Tyvek - Blunt Instrumentals Lp (20 eur0)
Überkroppling - Godt Jul Lp (13 euro)
Una Bestia Incontroable - Metamorfosi Lp (12,50 euro)
Una Bestia Incontroable - Metamorfosi Lp (12,50 euro)
U-Nix - Nuke Portland 12" (12,5o euro)
Unholy Thoughts - The Attic Lp
Unholy Thoughts - The Attic Lp
Unidad Ideologica - Lp (13,50 euro)
Uranium Cub - Human Exploration 12" (12,50 euro)
Uranium Club - All Them Naturals 12" (12,50 euro)
Uranium Club - Cosmo Cleaners Lp (12,50 euro)
Uranium Club - Infants Under the Bulb Lp (20 euro)
Uranium Orchard - Knife & Ritual Lp (12,50 euro)
Uranium Orchard - Knife & Ritual Lp (12,50 euro)
Urochromes - Trope House Lp (15 euro)
U.R.S.A. - L'eprit de la Teuf Lp (12,50 euro)
The UV Race - Made in China Lp (15 eur0)
Valley Boys - Demo 12" (12,50 euro)
Vanilla Poppers - Lp (12,50 euro)
The UV Race - Made in China Lp (15 eur0)
Valley Boys - Demo 12" (12,50 euro)
Vanilla Poppers - Lp (12,50 euro)
Vintage Crop - Serve to Serve Again Lp (12,50 euro)
Vintage Crop - Kibitzer Lp (12,50 euro)
Violence Creeps - The Gift of Music 12" (12,50 euro)
Violence Creeps - Soul Narc Lp (15 euro)
Walking Korpses - Safe and Dead Lp (15 euro)
Warm Red - Decades of Breakfast Lp (15 euro)
Walls - The Future is Wide Open Lp
Warm Bodies - Lp (12,50 euro)
Wetbrain - Acoustic Lp (12,50 euro)
White Stains - Make Me Sick Lp (13,50 euro)
Woodstock '99 - '99 Ta Life Lp (17,50 euro)
The World - First World Record Lp (12,50 euro)
XV - On the Creekbeds on the Thrones Lp (17,59 euro)
Yambag - Mindfuck Ultra Lp (17,50 euro)
Yes, I'm Leaving - Mission Bulb Lp (15 euro)
Yes, I'm Leaving - Slow Release Lp (15 euro)
Yleiset Syyt - Toisten Todellisuus Lp (17,50 euro)
Yung - Falter Lp (15 euro)
The Zits - Back in Blackhead Lp (15 euro)
Zone Infinie Lp (12,50 euro)
Zone Infinie - Atomisés 12" (12,50 euro)
Various Artists -Screaming Death Lp (Destruct, Scarecrow, Dissekerad, Rat Cage) (17,50 euro)
Various Artists - Does It Hurt Comp Lp (No Slogan, Sotatila, Dumbstruck, Charlie, Ruidosa Inmundicia, Yellow Eyes and Narsaak)
Various Artists - Tarantismo Summit III Lp (Alx NVA, Johnny Lzr, Xunholm, Gary Wrong) (15 euro)
Agari - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Alienator - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Animal Teeth - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Art Heist - Demo Tape (8 euro)
Assyrians - Tape
Assyrians - Tape
Bathhouse Boys - Demo Tape (5 euro)
BB and the Blips - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Beastman - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Birdsounds - Uncle Sam, Meet Uncle Tom Tape (5 euro)
Black Dog - Demo 2022 Tape (6 euro)
Black Dog - Demo II Tape (6 euro)
The Boys - Demo Tape
Brainwashed California - Demo Tape (5 euro)
The Bug - Room 44 Tape (5 euro)
Cal and the Calories - Great Assssssssssssss Tape (5 euro)
Cane - Cum in your Heart Tape
Caucasoid - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Celetoids - Pupal Stage Tape (5 euro)
Cemento - Killing Life Tape (6 euro)
Cement Shoes - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Chowline - Demo 3 Tape (5 euro)
Chronophage - Prologue for Tomorrow Tape (5 euro)
Churchgoers - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Citric Dummies - Life is so Horrifying Tape (5 euro)
Cosmic Sand Dollars - Let's Go Big Wave Form Tape (5 euro)
The Cowboys - Lovers in Marble Tape (5 euro)
The Cringe - 2015 Tape (5 euro)
Los Culitos- El Duelo Final Tape
Degollada - Demo 2020 Tape (5 euro)
Deltoids - Demo 2017 Tape (5 euro)
Demon - Demonstration Tape (6 euro)
Deutsland Jerky Rave - Tape (5 euro)
Diktat BDX - A Double Tour Tape (4 euro)
Displeasure - Demonstrations of Displeasure Tape
Displeasure - Demonstrations of Displeasure Tape
Divided Minds - Demo Tape
Drugs Dogs - Demo Tape
Empty Room - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Empty Room - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Eroders - Demo Tape
Facility Men - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Fuck Eyes - Complicator Tape
Facility Men - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Fuck Eyes - Complicator Tape
Garbageman - Tape
G.H.B. - ... And out Come the Wolves Tape (5 euro)
God Plutonium - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Groove Domestic Product - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Guillotine - Demo 2023 Tape (6 euro)
Hands and Claws - Tape (8 euro)
Hospice - Tape (5 euro)
Hulda Huima - Best of ... Tape (6 euro)
Indre Krig - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Juana Barraza - Degradacion Humana Tape (6 euro)
Joint D= Intelligence Tape (5 eur0)
Mustat Kalsarit - Yö Tape (6 euro)
Kaupingun Valot - Huomiseen Tape
Konventio - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Krigskade - Demo Tape
Litter - Demo 2021 Tape (5 euro)
Malflora - Mama I'm Bad Tape (6 euro)
Men and Health - Devil in a suitcase, Jesus in a pocket Tape (5 euro)
Mercenary - Atlanta's Burning Tape
Meter Feeder - Cassingle 4 U :) Tape (5 euro)
Metrics - Welcome to the Future Demo (6 euro)
Mirage - Immagini Postume Tape (6 eur0)
Missionary - Demo Tape
M.O.A.B. - Massive Ordnance Air Blast (6 euro)
Modern Delusion - Wasteland Tape
Mosquito - The Originol Soundtrack Tape (7 euro)
Nag - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Nasty Nancy - Denizen of Dreams & Carnival of Souls Tape (6 euro)
Neutral Fixation - Gestation Primer Tape (5 euro)
Neutral Fixation - Gestation Primer Tape (5 euro)
Neutral Fixation II - Future Negation Tape (5 euro)
Neutral Fixation II - Reverse Fumigation Tape (5 euro)
Patois Counselors - Enough: One Night at the Daisy Chain Tape (7 euro)
Pere Lachaise - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Pine Taar - Stick it in and Twist Tape (5 euro)No Code - Demo Tape (5 euro)
People's Temple - 8 Track Demo Tape (6 euro)
Pieties - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Plastic Heap - Red Tape (5 euro)
Plastic Heap - Yellow Tape (5 euro)
Plastic Tones - 2 7"s Tape (4 euro)
Powerplant - Stump Soup Tape (6 euro)
The Psychedelic Fucks - Fuck the Sixties Tape (6 euro)
Quitrillion Revelations - Tape (6 euro)
Ribbon Stage - My Favorite Shrine Tape (6 euro)
R0botnicka - Japan Tour Tape (5 euro)
Rododendrons - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Rolex - Promo Tape (6 euro)
Sex Bunker - Great More Garbage Tape (4 euro)
The Schizos - Banned! From The Hi Toe Tape (6 euro)
Shards - Demo Tape (4 euro)
Shards - Suicide Tape (4 euro)
Shards - Suicide Tape (4 euro)
Shaved Ape - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Slag - Demo Tape (4 euro)
Special Interest - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Sperm - Nightmare Life Tape (5 euro)
Sperm - Nightmare Life Tape (5 euro)
Sperm - Yahweh Brings Us To This Hell Tape (5 euro)
Staffers - In the Pigeon Hole Tape (6 euro)
Star Party - Demo 2020 Tape (5 euro)
St. Dad - Keep it in your Pants Tape
Stress Positions - Demo Tape (8 euro)
Stiff Prick - Demo Tape (6 euro)
Stomerbully/Chairhouse - Split Tape (6 euro)
Tau Ceti IV - Satan You're the God of this Age but Your Reign is Ending Tape (5 euro)
Tau Ceti IV - Contorted Tape (5 euro)
Teenage Cenobite - Live Tape (5 euro)
Telecommande - En Ligne de Mire Tape
Tetanus - Tape (5 euro)
Tortura - Demo Tape
Total Trash - Demo Tape
Trauma Harness - Dead and Loving It Tape (5 euro)
Ugly Motors - Demo Tape
Uranium Orchard - Yonaguni Tape (5 euro)
Valtatyhijö - Lukko Tape (6 euro)
Vegetative State - Catatonic Jungle Tape Ep (5 euro)
Violations - Demo Tape (5 euro)Wash - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Wash - Demo Tape (5 euro)
Year of the Rat - Ctrl+Alt+Del Tape (5 euro)
Year of the Rat - Ctrl+Alt+Del Tape (5 euro)
Zodiacs - Demo Tape
Various Artists - Fried Egg Mixtape (5 euro)
Various Artists - Inkstains across Atlanta Tape (6 euro)
Various Artists - Lifers IV: Finite Summer Tape (8 euro)
Various Artists - Maggot Minded Tape (HIV, Loose Change, Horrible, White Boss, Funerot, Sisters, Sex Vid) (6 euro)
Various Artists - Rotcore Compilation Tape and Fanzine (6 euro)
112 Hours of Fear (Zine edited by Layla Gibbon about the showgoing experience) (17,50 euro)
Accept the Darkness #6 (Crimen de Estado, School Jerks, Lots of Reviews) (3 euro)
Brain Works Slow Fanzine (Alex Ratcharge's MRR columns so far) (3 euro)
Brain Works Slow Fanzine (Alex Ratcharge's MRR columns so far) (3 euro)
Distort #54 (Cleveland Only) (5 euro)
Distort #57 (Low Life Lyrics and art) (5 euro)
Fun and Suffering Zine (Doodles from the hands of the Lumpster) (5 euro)
Got Myself #5 (Wasted Time, Double Negative, Night Birds) (2,50 euro)
Kleenex/LiLiPUT Book (40 euro)
Levande Begravd #6 (Paul Messis/Suburban Homes, Läjä Äijälä, Mascara Snakes, Thomas Savage, Hate Wave - A Guide to Oddball Swedish Punk) (3 euro)
Limited Readership #2 (Pollution, Milk Music, Spike in Vain, Condominium) (3 euro)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #323 April 2010 (Spits, Face the Rail, DADFAG, JP Williams from Really Red)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #324 May 2010 (RIP Bruce, Kleenex/Lilliput, Necro Hippies, Rot Shit)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #326 July 2010 (U-Ron from Really Red, Bunny Skulls, Trash Kit)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #328 October 2010 (Puffy Areolas, Conversions, Super Wild Horses)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #330 November 2010 (Bukkake Boys, Negative Lifestyle, Foreign Objects, Tyranna)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #331 December 2010 (Total Abuse, Articles of Faith, Kylmä Sota, Franke Rose and the Outs)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #333 February 2011 (Welders, Straight Arrows, Olympia Scene Report)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #341 October 2011 (Brian Walsby, Plates, Royal Headache, Diet Cokeheads, Ed Nasty and the Dopeheads)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #356 January 2013 (Absurdo, Secret Prostitutes, Mydolls, Infernöh, Protestant)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #324 May 2010 (RIP Bruce, Kleenex/Lilliput, Necro Hippies, Rot Shit)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #326 July 2010 (U-Ron from Really Red, Bunny Skulls, Trash Kit)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #328 October 2010 (Puffy Areolas, Conversions, Super Wild Horses)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #330 November 2010 (Bukkake Boys, Negative Lifestyle, Foreign Objects, Tyranna)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #331 December 2010 (Total Abuse, Articles of Faith, Kylmä Sota, Franke Rose and the Outs)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #333 February 2011 (Welders, Straight Arrows, Olympia Scene Report)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #341 October 2011 (Brian Walsby, Plates, Royal Headache, Diet Cokeheads, Ed Nasty and the Dopeheads)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #356 January 2013 (Absurdo, Secret Prostitutes, Mydolls, Infernöh, Protestant)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll # 363 August 2013 (Las Otras, Sudor, Terveet Kädet, Toinen Vaihtoehto)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #371 April 2014 (All Columns Issue)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #371 April 2014 (All Columns Issue)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #373 June 2014 (Anti You, Los Culitos, Pesadilla Distopika)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #381 February 2015 (Broken Prayer, Hysterics, Dark Times, Vacant State, Wiccans)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #381 February 2015 (Broken Prayer, Hysterics, Dark Times, Vacant State, Wiccans)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #382 March 2015 (In School, Pig DNA, Spot, Year End Top10s, Grenoble Scene Report)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #384 May 2014 (Violence Creeps, G.L.O.S.S., Trance, Fat Creeps)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #385 June 2015 (Downtown Boys, Hysterese, Sleaford Mods, Column of Heaven, Minefield Part 1, Sharkpact Loud! Fast! Philly!)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #386 July 2015 (Flesh World, Homeless Records, Piss Test, YDI, The Wrecks, Bitch School, The Slits: Here to be Heard, London Scene Report)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #393 February 2016 (Year End Top Ten Lists, Scab Eater, Busted Outlook, Communion of Thieves, Sei to Shi)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #395 April 2016 (Negative Scanner, The Pessimists, Heartfirst Records, The Coltranes, Soul Glo, Bogota Punk, Fest Mania, Everything is not OK, Manic Relapse, Damaged City)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #397 June 2016 (The Dumpers, Concealed Blade, Lime Crush, Urochromes)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #397 June 2016 (The Dumpers, Concealed Blade, Lime Crush, Urochromes)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #398 July 2016 (Ex-Yugo Punk Part II: Bulldozer, Besposlicari, Kaos, Niet Kud Idijoti, Paraf, Lublanski PSI, Torsö, Red Red Krovvy, The Domestics, Mollot, Iowa City Scene Report, Mabel Valvdiviezo: Punk in Peru)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #399 August 2016 (Black Panties, Fried Egg, Psycho Squatt)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #400 September 2016 (Shitworker Issue: Efialtis, American Hate, The Bug, Silent Era)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #402 November 2016 (Rixe, Cremalleras, Hallelujah!, Dischord's Punk Archivists: Ian MacKaye and Nichole Procopenko)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #399 August 2016 (Black Panties, Fried Egg, Psycho Squatt)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #400 September 2016 (Shitworker Issue: Efialtis, American Hate, The Bug, Silent Era)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #402 November 2016 (Rixe, Cremalleras, Hallelujah!, Dischord's Punk Archivists: Ian MacKaye and Nichole Procopenko)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #403 December 2016 (The All China Issue)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #405 February 2017 (2016 Year End Top 10s, Dame, Fucking, Apathetics)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #405 February 2017 (2016 Year End Top 10s, Dame, Fucking, Apathetics)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #406 March 2017 (S-21, Zerodent, Body Pressure, Beton)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #407 April 2017 (Futuro, Generacion Suicida, Ultra, Cavemen, Crooked Bangs, Roht)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #408 May 2017 (Mülltüte , Street Eaters, Zone Infinie, UV-TV, Ataxxia)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #409 June 2017 (Kaleidoscope, Fuck You Pay Me, Protex, Gazm)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #410 July 2017 (Daudyflyn, Xylitol, Y Pants, My Dolls)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #411 August 2017 (The Pinoy punk issue)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #412 September 2017 (Sacrificio. Fatigue, Alice Bag, Cold Institution, Elix-R)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #413 October 2017 (Neon, Macho Boys, NOFU, Feature, Los Impuestos)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #414 November 2017 (Midnite Snaxxx, C.H.E.W., Bad Example, Padkarosda)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #415 December 2017 (Cat Brooks, Grit, Stresshold)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #416 January 2018 (Fred Cole R.I.P., Bent, Perverts Again)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #417 February 2018 (Year End Top 10s 2017, Rash, Isotope Soap, Erik Nervous)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #418 March 2018 (Snob, Mauraudeur, Neo Neos, ISS, Eric Biffario)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #419 April 2018 (Rata Negra, Dots, The Cows, Neck Chop Records)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #420 May 2018 (Tim Yohannon, YC-CY, Miss Destiny)
Maximum Rock 'n Roll #421 June 2018 (Mr. Wrong, Exek, Fashionism)
My War #10 (Nukke, Axe Rash, Instructor, Ian MacKay Part 2, Desintegracion Violenta, Stingray, Daniel Lupton, Indre Krig, Rollins Band - Low Self Opinion) (3 euro)
My War #11 (Phiz, Nasti, Semtex 87, Koma, Walter Schreifels, Bezette Stad, Nervous SS, Negative Appraoch - Tied Down) (6 euro)
My War #13 (Bombardement, Reckoning Force, Gone but not forgotten (Olav R.I.P.), Burning Kross, Azijnpisser, Total Nadam Vle Valavauo) (6 euro)
Never Mind the Pilgrims (6 euro)
No Friends #3 (plus Flexi 7" with songs by Violence Creeps, Shockwaves, TV Slime and Bleeding Gums) (6 euro)
No Friends #4 (plus Flexi 7" with songs by Tenement, Dyke Drama, Endless Columns and Jamie and the Debt) (6 euro)
No Thanks Fuck Everything #3 (Sacred Shock, Deskonocidos, the Brat)
No Thanks Fuck Everything #3 (Sacred Shock, Deskonocidos, the Brat)
No Thanks Fuck Everything #4 (Daylight Robbery, Raw Nerve, Illmatic)
No Thanks Fuck Everything #6 (Germ Attack, Reckless Agression, Discharge, Accept the Darkness, Gangstarr)(3 euro)
No Thanks Fuck Everything #6 (Germ Attack, Reckless Agression, Discharge, Accept the Darkness, Gangstarr)(3 euro)
Rotten Apple Magazine #1 (6 euro)
Stitches in my Head #8 (Animal Mother, Gibbous, Cum, Obat Batuk, Konton Crasher Records, Sex Dwarf USA Tour Diary) (4 euro)
Termbo #2 (Liquor Store, Ausmuteants, Mongoloid, Black Flag, Tyvek, Unholy Two, Music, VHS, Poetry) (4 euro)
Termbo #2 (Liquor Store, Ausmuteants, Mongoloid, Black Flag, Tyvek, Unholy Two, Music, VHS, Poetry) (4 euro)